Janet S. Kropff, M.A.

Janet S. Kropff, M.A.

Title: Professor
Program: Computer Information Systems
Office: Polsky M185-J
Phone: 330-972-2075
Email: jsk3@uakron.edu


Cisco certification for 20 years of service


IT Consultant and Trainer: FirstEnergy, Cutler Real Estate, Bruner Cox Technology Solutions, Smyth Systems


Cisco-certified academy instructor for 20 years


  • M.A., Applied Mathematics, Kent State University, 1992
  • B.S., Applied Mathematics, Kent State University, 1989


Introduction to Logic and Programming, Intro to Unix/Linux, Networking Basics, Router and Routing Basics, Switching Basics and Wireless, WAN Technologies, CIS Internship, Hardware Support, Advanced Routing, Troubleshooting Complex IP Networks, Wireless Networking, Multilayer Switching, Network Authentication and Security, Voice, Data and Video, CIS Networking Projects

Previous courses taught:

Applied Math for Business, Fundamental Computer Concepts, Introduction to Windows, Software Fundamentals, Microcomputer Application Support, Network Concepts, CIS Current Topics, Microsoft Networking I, Internet Tools, Remote Access