Raven Burdette

Raven Burdette

Title: Former DTAA Graduate Assistant


Raven Burdette received her B.F.A. with a dual concentration in Printmaking and Drawing/Painting from the Myers School of Art at the University of Akron in December 2015. As an undergraduate, Raven received: a Dashiell Travel Grant in 2013, a Myers Art Studio Scholarship, and a 2015 Folk Charitable Foundation Venice Biennale International Travel & Study Scholarship. She was a member and officer or several student organizations. Raven has been a member of the Mid American Print Council and Southern Graphics Council International. She has been to several printmaking conferences with these memberships. Raven volunteered at the Myers School of Art and for the printmaking program as a demo printer. Raven was a studio intern at Rubber City Prints in Akron, Ohio in 2016. Raven came to be in the Arts Administration program to keep and expand her experience with printmaking and other communal working artist spaces. Working at the school printshop and traveling to conferences, she has seen the impact that working in a communal space has on artists. With her Arts Administration degree Raven wants to be able to help others, and herself, have space to make art and show work.