Dialect: Egyptian "Welcome to the Salis- Egyptian Arabic Now Podcast, your resource for practicing your Egyptian dialect speaking and listening. You will also learn about lifestyle and culture, language, vocabulary, and how to learn Egyptian Arabic more effectively."
Dialect: Levantine "In the Simple & Easy Arabic podcast we tell stories in spoken Levantine Arabic that will help you to improve your listening skills. Every episodes starts with new vocabulary and ends with a set of questions about the story."
Dialect: Syrian "Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers."
Dialect: Levantine "We share with you content in Levantine Arabic about our lives, language and culture. We have written and recorded texts and exercises in the form of worksheets for you to improve your Arabic language skills and speak the Arabic we speak!"
Dialect: Egyptian and MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) "Bilmasri is for learners of Arabic (ideally anywhere between lower intermediate to advanced level) who have so far been focusing on MSA, who may or may not have some knowledge of another Arabic dialect, and who would like to understand how the Egyptian dialect works."
"Mstdfr is a weekly Middle Eastern geeky podcast spoken in “Arablish”. Ammar & Rami host different guests to Discuss, Debate & Diffuse various topics including: Science, culture, tech, Entertainment & new generation challenges."
"Experience the captivating world of Arabic poetry and literature. The Arabic Qahwa podcast is an effort to present the gems of Arabic literature in an accessible manner to English speakers, and students of the Arabic language. Join us as we translate and explain beautiful Arabic poetry, and relate the legends and stories surrounding it. Experience the world of the Arabs as never before."
"A podcast by Arab Americans about America and Arabs everywhere, bringing you a unique perspective, both in English & Arabic but mostly in "Arablish." Café patrons will discuss current affairs, politics, culture, and healthcare. Your hosts are two doctors, Hassan and Mouhanad, and sometimes other friends who are just hanging out."
كرتون كرتون (ADVANCED)
"The Cartoon Cartoon podcast is a weekly program presented by Abdullah Rafaa and Ammar Al-Sabban. They talk about the latest developments in the world of animation, including films and series, and they also talk about the various sciences needed to produce animation, from drawing and animation to voice acting and dubbing. From time to time, they host specialists in the world of animation to transfer their expertise ." "بودكاست كرتون كرتون هو برنامج اسبوعي يقدمه كل من عبدالله رافعة وعمار الصبان . يقومان بالحديث عن آخر التطورات في عالم الرسوم المتحركة من أفلام ومسلسلات، ويقومان بالحديث أيضا عن العلوم المختلفة اللازمة لإنتاج الرسوم المتحركة من رسم وتحريك للتمثيل الصوتي والدبلجة. ومن فترة إلى أخرى يقومان بإستضافة مختصين في عالم الرسوم المتحركة لنقل خبراتهم للعالم العربي."
Dialect: Kuwaiti "A scientific podcast in a Gulf dialect and an excellent resource for advanced level Arabic learners who want to expand their specialized vocabulary."