Placement exam

Undergraduate Placement in Music Theory

The placement exam in music theory is divided into two sections: Aural Materials of Theory (Ear Training) and Notational Materials of Theory (Written). Below are examples of the kinds of questions and material you can expect on this examination. (Please bring your own earbuds for the placement exam)

Please contact Dr. Kevin Lewis at 330-972-6643 or when you are ready to take the Theory Placement Test.

Interval Identification

You will hear an interval and be asked the choose the correct answer from the choices below:

Melodic Pattern Identification

You will hear a melodic pattern and be asked to choose the pattern you heard from several choices:

Rhythmic Pattern Identification

You will hear a rhythmic pattern and be asked to choose the pattern you heard from several choices:

Rhythmic Error Detection

You will hear a rhythmic pattern and be asked to choose the measure in which an error occurred:

Pitch Error Detection

You will hear a pitch pattern and be asked to choose the measure in which an error occurred:

Notational Materials of Theory - Review the following

  1. Tempo Names: Allegro, Andante, etc.
  2. Dynamic Names: Forte, Pianissimo, etc.
  3. Performance Styles: Staccato, Legato, Meno Mosso, Grandisoso, Marcato, etc.
  4. Note Names in Treble and Bass Clef
  5. All Major and Minor Key Signatures
  6. All Major and Minor Scales
  7. Intervals and Interval Quality: Major 3rd, Perfect 5th etc.
  8. Triad Quality: Major, Minor, Dimished, Augmented