Research Opportunities

Graduate Research Opportunities

Most research projects engage faculty and students in multidisciplinary teams that cross departmental, college, and university lines.


Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of High-speed Flows

Project #1: Computer modeling and experimental investigation of break-up of liquid jets in gas with application to cooling in material processing (grinding). For experiments use of Spray Particle & Spray Droplet Size Analyzer for precision manufacturing. For CFD modeling: use combined RANS and LES models.

Project #2: Numerical modeling of heating of an ensemble of nanoparticles in a plasma radiation field in Rayleigh regime with considering radiative exchange between particles. The first stage of the project is focused on radiation exchange between nano-scale particle in Rayleigh regime. The second stage of the project is to incorporate the developed radiation model in multi-phase CFD model.

Open to MA, PhD students.

Contact: Dr. Alex Povitsky (

NRT-HDE: Graduate Traineeship on Advances in Material Sciences using Machine Learning

The NRT program offers unique graduate traineeship experience to M.S. and Ph.D. students pursuing research on grand challenge problems interfacing materials science, data analytics, and machine learning (ML). The program harnesses the strength in polymer materials science at The University of Akron (UA), the important progress in data analytics and machine learning tools, and the intangible values of nonacademic internship opportunities at federal and industrial laboratories.

If you are considering applying to our graduate programs, please visit The Graduate School website.

If you have questions about research opportunities, please feel free to contact our faculty or department chairs.


Dr. Ajay Mahajan
Associate Dean for Research & Industrial Engagement

Phone: 330-972-6033