Statistics; Bachelor of Science

What You'll Learn

  • Applications of the techniques of regression and multifactor analysis of variance
  • Introductory programming for data-intensive applications including data collection, analysis, visualization, etc.
  • Data organization and structures, design of statistical data bases, statistical software analysis, importing and exporting data between software, etc. 
  • Hands-on application of theories and concepts with the Center for Statistical Consulting

What You Can Do

Job What They Do
Financial Risk Analyst Identify and analyze the areas of potential risk threatening the assets, earning capacity or success of organizations in the industrial, commercial or public sector. Predict change and future trends, as well as forecast cost to organizations. 
Operational Researcher Use mathematical methods to help organizations develop better systems and operational procedures. Examine an organization's operations and use mathematical modelling, simulation, optimization, data science and other analytical approaches to find more effective ways of working. The organization is then able to use the information to develop a strategic policy and make better decisions.
Statistician Design and manage experiments and surveys and deal with the initial collection of data. Process and analyze the data in context, looking for patterns to help make decisions, then advise on findings and recommend strategy.
Machine Learning Engineer Create programs and algorithms that enable machines to take actions without being directed. Provide computers with the ability to learn automatically and improve from experience, without being programmed. 

Required Courses


Dr. Nao Mimoto - Undergraduate Advisor - CAS413