NEOMED Early Assurance Pathway (formerly Bacc/M.D.)


The Early Assurance Pathway is a partnership program where current UA students can apply for provisional admission to NEOMED beginning in their second year of study at UA. Each year NEOMED will admit up to 20 UA students into the Early Assurance Pathway.

Admission to medical school is extremely competitive. Nationally only 40% of applicants who applied to M.D. schools in the U.S. were admitted. That means over half of the students that apply to medical school don’t get a single offer of admission. The Early Assurance Pathway at UA has an acceptance rate of over 80%. You could have a seat in medical school waiting on you as early as your second year of college. 

Provisional admission means that you have been offered admission to NEOMED and they are holding a seat in medical school for you provided that you meet certain qualifications in the time allotted.

Current UA students who have been enrolled at UA for at least one year, have not yet earned a bachelors degree, and meet the application eligibility guidelines.

  • Minimum ACT (or SAT) and GPA requirements 
    • 26 ACT/1240 SAT & 3.4 or higher GPA/BCPM
    • 25 ACT/1210 SAT & 3.5 or higher GPA/BCPM
    • 24 ACT/1180 SAT & 3.6 or higher GPA/BCPM
    • 23 ACT/1140 SAT & 3.7 or higher GPA/BCPM
    • Or, in lieu of ACT (or SAT) scores, good standing in the Honors College with a 3.4 or higher GPA/BCPM
    • *BCPM GPA (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math/Stats). GPA's include all coursework: UA, CCP, Transfer, etc. 
    • Be a U.S citizen/U.S. permanent resident (at the time of application)
    • Successfully complete 20 credits of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Math/Stats coursework at the time of application.
      • Typical 1st year pre-med coursework such as: BIOL 111/112 Principles of Biology I & II and CHEM 151/152/153/154 Principles of Chemistry I & II with labs.
    • Have completed a year at UA as a full time degree seeking student, post high school graduation. 
      • a year of CCP cannot satisfy this requirement

    1. No, there is not a state residency requirement. However,  preference is given to Ohio residents or students who have a demonstrated connection to Ohio (family in or from Ohio, went to high school in Ohio, plans to practice in Ohio, etc...).
    2. Yes, there is a U.S. residency requirement. Students must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Verification of permanent residency requires that you provide your alien registration number and a copy of your alien registration card at the time of your application.
    1. Apply to UA for undergraduate admission if you will be a new student

    2. Apply to NEOMED for admission to the Early Assurance Pathway in the fall of your second year at UA

      1. If you have questions, contact the Pre-Health Adviser, Ashley Rini

    To be admitted to the Early Assurance Pathway, a student must submit an EAP application to the Pre-Health Adviser in the fall of their second year at UA along with the required application materials.

    • Completed EAP application
    • Completed application essays
    • Resume or CV
    • All transfer and CCP transcripts must be on file at UA before the application deadline
    • ACT/SAT scores must be on file at UA before the application deadline
      • or be in good standing in the Williams Honors College

    After all materials have been submitted and reviewed, the UA Pre-Health Committee will select students to move on to an interview with NEOMED for final selection.

    Focus on your academic credentials, especially developing a strong foundation in math and science coursework. Participate in experiences related to medicine and community involvement, and other diverse experiences. Along with doing well in your academic coursework, participate in medically related activities such as: volunteering at hospitals, nursing homes, or free clinics, shadowing physicians, internships, research, get involved in student clubs/orgs, etc. Consider joining the Pre-Med Learning Community the fall of your freshman year- this must be done during New Student Orientation registration. Contact the Pre-Health Adviser with any questions. 

    NEOMED can accept up to 20 UA students through the EAP each year.

    All classes taken at the Post-Secondary level (AP, CCP) are reviewed, evaluated, and applied appropriately to a students degree program when they enroll at The University of Akron. Students should be aware that all college coursework in which a student earned a grade, including CCP classes taken at your local high school, will be a part of your Early Assurance Pathway GPA reviewed by NEOMED.

    Upon acceptance as a provisionally admitted student to the NEOMED Early Assurance Pathway, students will have a seat reserved for them as a first-year medical student at NEOMED. These students will matriculate to NEOMED if all promotion requirements, subject to additional professional behavior guidelines, are met.

    NEOMED requires that provisionally admitted students must:

    • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or higher
    • Maintain a 3.4 BCPM GPA or higher in all science and math courses with an earned grade of ‘C’ or higher
    • Complete a bachelor’s degree program, NEOMED prerequisite courses, as well as all courses required of the Early Assurance Pathway
    • Be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours each semester upon admission
    • Take the MCAT by July 31st of the preceding year to be eligible for admission to NEOMED (typically the summer before senior year). Satisfy minimum MCAT score requirements. 

    NEOMED prerequisites & Early Assurance Pathway courses:

    • BIOL 111 Principles of Biology I w/Lab
    • BIOL 112 Principles of Biology II w/Lab
    • CHEM 151,152 Principles of Chemistry I w/Lab
    • CHEM 153,154 Principles of Chemistry II w/Qualitative Analysis Lab
    • CHEM 263/265 Organic Chemistry I w/Lab
    • CHEM 264/266 Organic Chemistry II w/Lab
    • CHEM 401 Biochemistry I
    • PHYS 261 Physics for Life Sciences I w/Lab (3650:291 also acceptable)
    • PHYS 262 Physics for Life Sciences II w/Lab (3650:292 also acceptable)

    Strongly Recommended Coursework:

    • BIOL 190 Health Care and Delivery Systems (part of the Pre-Med Learning Community)
    • BIOL 211 Genetics
    • BIOL 331 Microbiology
    • BIOL 363/364 Foundations of Physiology w/Lab
    • BIOL 401 Human Anatomy for Biology Majors w/Lab
    • BIOL 485/486 Cell Physiology w/Lab
    • MATH 221 Analytic Geometry-Calculus I
    • STAT 261/262 Introductory Stats I & II

    Information sessions and tours are offered by the Office of Admissions for high school students Monday through Friday, and select Saturdays throughout the year. These sessions are conducted by an Admissions representative just prior to the student-guided campus tour.

    • Schedule your visit here or by phone: 1-800-655-4884 or 330-972-7100.