Center for Constitutional Law

One of four centers established by Congress

Constitutional law at Akron Law

Congress established the Center for Constitutional Law (CCL) at The University of Akron in 1986 as one of four national resource centers dedicated to legal research on constitutional issues. Akron Law created the John F. Seiberling Chair of Constitutional Law to fulfill this mission. The Center has hosted visiting U.S. Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Justice Arthur Goldberg. The Center fosters scholarly research, public education, and student engagement on current topics of constitutional import.


Tracy Thomas is director of the CCL and the Seiberling Chair of Constitutional Law. Professor Thomas' work focuses on questions of gender and civil rights remedies. She is the author of Elizabeth Cady Stanton & the Feminist Foundations of Family Law, Feminist Legal History, and Remedies: Public and Private (West 2017). She is editor of the Gender Law Prof Blog. As a practicing attorney at Covington in Washington, D.C. handling federal court litigation, Thomas also litigated pro bono cases of constitutional prison conditions, gender equality, and criminal procedure.

Listen to Professor Tracy Thomas from The 19th Amendment: From the Vote to the ERA


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 12:15 p.m.

  • Supreme Court Review - Faculty experts from Akron Law discuss the blockbuster cases from recene U.S. Supreme Court term and predict what causes the Court will take in teh upcoming year.
  • Click here for a copy of the Event Flyer
  • Webinar Link will be sent to those who register.

April 16, 2024 at 12:15 p.m.

Friday, October 13, 2023

  • Center for Con Law 2023 Conference, Gender, Health & the Constitution, 9am to 4pm (Akron Law 180)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

October 28, 2022

September 23, 2022

  • Tracy Thomas, Preconceived Conceptions and the Modern Family, Portage County Domestic Relations Court Sign Up Here

September 15, 2022

April 11, 2022

  • Regula Lecture, Dr. Kate Masur (Northwestern), "Book Talk, Until Justice Be Done: America's First Civil Rights Movement." Watch here.

Feb. 28, 2022

  • Tracy Thomas, University of Maryland School of Law, "From the 19th to the ERA: The Validity of Constitutional Amendments," register here.

Feb. 4, 2022

  • Virtual Colloquium, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Constitution: How LGBTQ Rights are Defined, Protected, and Preempted.  Papers Published in ConLawNOW Available Here.

Oct. 20, 2021

  • A Look at 100 Years of Press Freedom and Litigation. University of Akron School of Law Professor Mike Gentithes will discuss "100 Years of Press Freedom: Where Free Press Litigation Leads, Society Follows" in a virtual Akron Press Club program at noon Wednesday, October 20, 2021.

Sep 16, 2021 (Room 180)

Aug 2021

July 2021

  • American Bar Association Judicial Conference, Professor Tracy Thomas, The Nineteenth Amendment: Examining the "Irrelevant Amendment" on its 100th Anniversary.

Feb 5, 2021

  • Virtual Symposium: Examining Black Citizenship from Reconstruction to Black Lives Matter. Symposium papers published here.

Jan 2021

  • Tracy Thomas, Discerning Remedial Principles in the Supreme Court's Shadow Docket, AALS Annual Meeting.

    Sep - Dec 2020, Brant Lee, Racial Equality & the Law, Community Course

Sep 14, 2020

Sep 2020

  • Tracy Thomas, The Nineteenth Amendment: The Conventional Story . . . Sort of, Ohio Judicial Conference Annual Meeting.

Constitutional law at Akron Law

For students

Constitutional Law is the study of the U.S. Constitution and its provision of individual civil rights and government powers. Akron Law offers a Certificate of Study in Constitutional Law allowing students to concentrate their elective studies in the field. We also offer fellowships with the Center for Constitutional Law, the Knight Foundation Fellowship in media law, and Social Justice Project with Professor Brant Lee. A joint degree of a JD/Master of Applied Politics is also available. A wide variety of student organizations facilitate discussion and engagement with current issues.

To donate

Make a gift to support the work of the Center for Constitutional Law (indicate "for Con Law Center"), and at the Akron Law donation page.

Contact us

For more information on the Center for Constitutional Law, contact Professor Tracy Thomas, at