Assessment of General Education

Assessment of learning outcomes is an essential component of the General Education program. Assessment refers to the process of using students’ work to verify that learning outcomes desired by the faculty and institution are being achieved and that appropriate action is being taken to assure continuous improvement. Each of the learning outcomes is demonstrated by means of formal student expression; this may be written, oral, artistic, ASL, or Braille as appropriate.

The first cycle of the University of Akron General Education course assessment was conducted from Spring 2016 - Fall 2021. We are currently in the second cycle to the course assessment and renewal process.


Assessment of student work

Course Renewal Report Due* 

Course Renewal Feedback Returned

Speaking, Writing, Math/Statistics/Logic 2021-2022 Fall 2022 Spring 2023
Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences 2022-2023 Fall 2023 Spring 2024
Domestic Diversity, Global Diversity, Complex Issues Facing Society   2023-2024 Fall 2024 Spring 2025
Capstones and Program renewal 2024-2025 Fall 2025 Spring 2026

*Course renewal reports are due the Friday of finals weeks of the fall semester following the Assessment Summit.