October 27, 2008


Bill Jordan moderated a panel entitled "Arbitrary and Capricious Review Revisited: State Farm vs. Vermont Yankee at Last" at the 2008 Fall Conference of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Process in Washington, D.C. Panelists included Judge Kavanaugh of the D.C. Circuit, Professor Gillian Metzger (Columbia), Associated Dean Cary Coglianese (Penn), and Prof. Jon Cannon (UVA and former EPA General Counsel). He also presented on a second panel on developments related to rulemaking on the panel "Annual Review of Major Developments in Administrative Law" at the 2008 Fall Conference of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Process in Washington, D.C.

Brant Lee joined visiting scholar David Levine and Akron education professor Susan Clarke in presenting the panel "Public School Desegregation: The San Francisco Experience" at Akron Law in October 2008.

Tracy Thomas was invited to speak on a panel entitled "IP Remedies after eBay" at the 2009 Southeastern Association Law Schools annual meeting in Palm Beach, Florida.

Several Akron faculty have published entries in the newly published, Encyclopedia of the U.S. Supreme Court (Gale Press).

   o Dick Aynes, entries on Missouri Compromise, Secession, Stone v. Mississippi, Test Oath Cases, Waite, and Morrison
   o Will Huhn, entries on Board of Regents v. Roth, Public Purpose, RA v. Cit of St. Paul
   o Marge Koosed, entries on Counselman v. Hitchchock, Roadside Stops
   o Tracy Thomas, entry on Women's Suffrage

Akron law faculty Dick Aynes, Will Huhn, and Elizabeth Reilly participated as panelists and moderators at last week's successful Constitutional Law Center Symposium, "The 140th Anniversary of the 14th Amendment."

Top 10 Papers in SSRN Akron Research Paper Series (Total SSRN Downloads of all Papers 4,509)

  - 271 Elizabeth Reilly, Incl. Electronic Paper Faculty Salary Compression: A Model for Response
  - 241 Tracy Thomas, Incl. Electronic Paper Ubi Jus, Ibi Remedium: The Fundamental Right to a Remedy Under Due Process
  - 222, Sam Baumgartner, How Well Do U.S. Judgments Fare in Europe?
  - 166 Sam Baumgartner, Incl. Electronic Paper Class Actions and Group Litigation in Switzerland
  - 162, Sam Baumgartner, Incl. Electronic Paper Is Transnational Litigation Different?
  - 159, Alan Newman, Incl. Electronic Paper The Uniform Trust Code: An Analysis of Ohio's Version
  - 158, Jane Moriarty, Incl. Electronic Paper Forensic Science: Grand Goals, Tragic Flaws, and Judicial Gatekeeping
  - 155, Rich Kovach, Incl. Electronic Paper Personal and Political Bias in the Debate Over Federal Income Taxation Rates and Progressivity
  - 142, Jay Dratler, Incl. Electronic Paper Invention is a Process, or Why the Electronics and Pharmaceutical Industries are at Loggerheads over Patents
  - 139, Jay Dratler, Incl. Electronic Paper Common-Sense (Federal) Common Law Adrift in a Statutory Sea, or Why Grokster was a Unanimous Decision