Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
601 3100:401 BIOL 401 Human Anatomy for Biology Majors
602 3100:404 BIOL 404 Digital Skills for Biologists
603 3100:406 BIOL 406 Principles of Systematics
604 3100:418 BIOL 418 Field Ecology
605 3100:421 BIOL 421 Tropical Field Biology
606 3100:422 BIOL 422 Conservation Biology
607 3100:423 BIOL 423 Population Biology
608 3100:426 BIOL 426 Wetland Ecology
609 3100:427 BIOL 427 Freshwater Ecology
610 3100:428 BIOL 428 Biology of Behavior
611 3100:429 BIOL 429 Biology of Behavior Laboratory
612 3100:430 BIOL 430 Community/Ecosystem Ecology
613 3100:433 BIOL 433 Medical Microbiology
614 3100:437 BIOL 437 Immunology
615 3100:439 BIOL 439 Advanced Immunology
616 3100:440 BIOL 440 Mycology
617 3100:443 BIOL 443 Phycology
618 3100:444 BIOL 444 Field Marine Phycology
619 3100:451 BIOL 451 General Entomology
620 3100:453 BIOL 453 Invertebrate Zoology