Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
641 3100:481 BIOL 481 Advanced Genetics
642 3100:482 BIOL 482 Neurobiology
643 3100:483 BIOL 483 Research Techniques in Neuroscience
644 3100:485 BIOL 485 Cell Physiology
645 3100:486 BIOL 486 Cell Physiology Laboratory
646 3100:494 BIOL 494 Workshop in Biology
647 3100:495 BIOL 495 Special Topics in Biology
648 3100:496 BIOL 496 Internship in Biology
649 3100:497 BIOL 497 Biological Problems
650 3100:499 BIOL 499 Senior Honors Program in Biology
651 3100:504 BIOL 504 Digital Skills for Biologists
652 3100:506 BIOL 506 Principles of Systematics
653 3100:512 BIOL 512 Advanced Ecology
654 3100:518 BIOL 518 Field Ecology
655 3100:521 BIOL 521 Tropical Field Biology
656 3100:522 BIOL 522 Conservation Biology
657 3100:523 BIOL 523 Population Biology
658 3100:526 BIOL 526 Wetland Ecology
659 3100:527 BIOL 527 Limnology
660 3100:528 BIOL 528 Biology of Behavior