Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
1161 3350:547 GEOG 547 Remote Sensing
1162 3350:549 GEOG 549 Advanced Remote Sensing
1163 3350:550 GEOG 550 Development Planning
1164 3350:560 GEOG 560 Political Geography
1165 3350:581 GEOG 581 Research Methods in Geography & Planning
1166 3350:583 GEOG 583 Spatial Analysis
1167 3350:589 GEOG 589 Special Topics in Geography
1168 3350:590 GEOG 590 Workshop in Geography
1169 3350:595 GEOG 595 Soil & Water Field Studies
1170 3350:596 GEOG 596 Field Research Methods
1171 3350:597 GEOG 597 Regional Field Studies
1172 3350:600 GEOG 600 Seminar in Geography and Planning
1173 3350:601 GEOG 601 Seminar in Geography and Planning
1174 3350:630 GEOG 630 Planning Theory
1175 3350:631 GEOG 631 Facilities Planning
1176 3350:633 GEOG 633 Comparative Planning
1177 3350:680 GEOG 680 Advanced Spatial Analysis
1178 3350:685 GEOG 685 Planning Internship
1179 3350:687 GEOG 687 History of Geographic Thought
1180 3350:695 GEOG 695 Graduate Colloquium