Subject Code Transition Search Tool

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Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
1321 3400:296 HIST 296 Global Societies: Latin America
1322 3400:297 HIST 297 Global Societies: Middle East
1323 3400:300 HIST 300 Imperial China
1324 3400:301 HIST 301 Modern China
1325 3400:303 HIST 303 Modern East Asia
1326 3400:307 HIST 307 The Ancient Near East
1327 3400:308 HIST 308 Greece
1328 3400:310 HIST 310 Historical Methods
1329 3400:313 HIST 313 Eastern Roman Empire (324-1453)
1330 3400:317 HIST 317 Roman Republic
1331 3400:318 HIST 318 Roman Empire
1332 3400:319 HIST 319 Medieval Europe, 500-1200
1333 3400:320 HIST 320 Medieval Europe, 1200-1500
1334 3400:321 HIST 321 Europe: Renaissance to Religious Wars, 1350-1610
1335 3400:322 HIST 322 Europe: Absolutism to Revolution, 1610-1789
1336 3400:323 HIST 323 Europe from Revolution to World War, 1789-1914
1337 3400:324 HIST 324 Europe from World War I to the Present
1338 3400:325 HIST 325 Women in Modern Europe
1339 3400:330 HIST 330 Modern Africa
1340 3400:335 HIST 335 Russia to 1801