What if you qualify for alternative credit?
Active duty military experience
By submitting copy #4 of your DD214 to the Military Services Center, you may receive one (1) credit of physical education and/or up to a maximum of six (6) credits for your active duty military experience.
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Credit by Exam / Alternative Credit Options
- Technical Experience Assessment (TEA)
College credit for military
experience and training
Your ACE transcript describes your military training and job experience. This information can be used to award you college credit at The University of Akron.
The Transfer and Adult Student Enrollment Center staff will be glad to meet with you to review your ACE transcript to determine how your military experiences and training can be used for college credit. Please call 330-972-7009 to schedule an appointment with one of our advisers.
Example of Military Credit Evaluation
Correctional Specialist MCE-5381-001 (ACE Identifier)
Exhibit Dates: 6/98–Present.
Occupational Field: 58 - Military Police and Corrections.
A student with this military occupational experience would receive credit toward a Criminal Justice Technology major for the following courses in a at The University of Akron:
- 2220:103, Intro to Corrections, 3 hours
- 2220:270, Community Corrections for Correctional Counseling, 3 hours
- 2220:275, Legal Aspects of Corrections for Corrections Procedures, 3 hours
- 2220:xxx Elective for leadership course, 3 hours
- Computer Applications, 3 hours, elective
- Supervision, 3 hours, elective
- Principles of Management, 3 hours, elective
Request your ACE transcript
Effective March 25, 2013, all students who request credit for military experience and training should request an American Council on Education (ACE) transcript through the Joint Services ACE transcript at the following link: https://jst.doded.mil.
This JST document will contain the following information for individual service members:
- Military branch-specific seal (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard)
Note: The Air Force utilizes the Community College of the Air Force for their transcripts. - Service member data
- Course completions
- Occupational affiliations
- Credentialing (certifications and or licenses)
- Military experience
- Summary page
- Academic course page (Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy only)
- College Degrees (Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy only)
Submit your military transcripts to:
The University of Akron
Transfer and Adult Student Enrollment Center
Akron, OH 44325-2001
To submit an ACE transcript for evaluation, contact:
MaryAnn Stoila, Transfer and Adult Student Enrollment Center
Simmons Hall 211
330.972.7009 or mrs149@uakron.edu
To submit a DD214 for physical education credit, to register for veteran's benefits, or for more military services information, contact:
Cherie Sedlock, Military Services Center
120 Simmons Hall
330.972.7838 or cherie2@uakron.edu