Women's Studies Affiliated Faculty

Toni L. Bisconti, Ph.D.

Toni L. Bisconti, Ph.D.
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Adult Development and Aging Psychology
Phone: 330-972-5852
Email: tb33@uakron.edu

Dr. Philathia Bolton

Dr. Philathia Bolton
Title: Associate Professor, Honors Advisor & Internship Liaison
Dept/Program: Department of English
Phone: 330-972-6948
Email: pbolton@uakron.edu

Antonia Forster, Ph.D.

Antonia Forster, Ph.D.
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: English

Dawn M. Johnson, Ph.D.

Dawn M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Counseling Psychology
Phone: 330-972-2505
Email: johnsod@uakron.edu

Ronald F. Levant, Ed.D.

Ronald F. Levant, Ed.D.
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: Psychology

William T. Lyons, Ph.D.

William T. Lyons, Ph.D.
Title: Professor of Political Science
Dept/Program: CAS Dean's Office

Stacey Nofziger, Ph.D.

Stacey Nofziger, Ph.D.
Title: Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies in Sociology
Dept/Program: Sociology
Email: sn18@uakron.edu

Robert L. Peralta, Ph.D.

Robert L. Peralta, Ph.D.
Title: Professor, Director of the Center for Conflict Management
Dept/Program: Sociology
Phone: 330-972-6915
Email: rp32@uakron.edu